The use of Botox® is not a new therapy for reducing fine lines and wrinkles, but it is one of the most effective. When you look in the mirror and see fine lines and wrinkles it is not the problem it once was. Though this is an issue that can make you feel older than you are, Botox® injections can offer a common and successful corrective treatment therapy. Advanced Individualized Medicine of Naples offers Botox® as one of the options we offer for facial rejuvenation.
Depending on your face shape, skin tightness, genetics, and how often you make certain expressions, you may notice wrinkles that look like wavy lines beginning to develop. Botox® can treat and prevent glabellar lines (in between the brows), forehead wrinkles, emotional wrinkles, smile lines, and crow’s feet. Botox® is an injectable treatment therapy that relaxes the muscles under the skin to make wrinkles less noticeable. Compared to other medical procedures, Botox® is an affordable, low-risk, low time- commitment therapy.