Who doesn’t desire youthful, healthy looking skin? The secret to achieving that goal is encouraging the rejuvenation of collagen and its growth and recuperative properties. YOUnique Health & Wellness is proud to offer microneedling as a tool to address various skin conditions. The technique involves using a microneedling pen which contains disposable sterile needles to puncture the skin and cause physical trauma.
Microneedling works the same way lasers, only it injures the skin mechanically instead of using heat or light. Microneedling stimulates the body’s natural wound healing processes, resulting in cell turnover and increased collagen and elastin production, which reverses the signs of aging by prompting the derma, a deeper layer of skin, to rebuild. Clients can experience marked improvement in the skin tone and laxity, and reverse sun damage and discoloration, including hyperpigmentation. Additionally, the treatment can stimulate collagen in and around your pores, which causes them to plump and appear shrunken, if not closed. The combination of these changes results in a reduction in wrinkles, healing, and tightening of existing skin – all of which make you look and feel younger.