Concerned about aging skin, acne scars or sun-damaged skin? Advanced Individualized Medicine of Naples offers the revolutionary skincare treatment, the VI Peel, to improve the tone, texture, and clarity of the skin, reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, hyper-pigmentation, soften lines and wrinkles, clear acne skin conditions, reduce or eliminate acne scars, and stimulate the production of collagen for firmer more youthful-looking skin. The VI Peel can also be used on the neck, chest, and hands.
The VI Peel is a medical-grade, medium-depth chemical peel that relies on the synergistic exfoliating and healing effects of TCA, Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, and Vitamin C. In addition to improving skin quality and appearance, the VI Peel can return confidence for people living with skin concerns so they can reach their full life potential.